The Pose Method and Total Immersive

I have spent the past week focusing on The Pose Method of running and Total Immersion Swimming.

Dr. Ramonov’s book ‘The Running Revolution’  outlines a 4 week back to basics plan consisting of 10 lessons. Lessons 1 and 2 focus on what he calls the ‘springiness’ position and the running Pose. No running is involved – simply an awareness of how our weight is displaced on our feet, where our knees, hips, and shoulders are in relation to our feet.

I have been less than diligent writing daily as a training blog but have been diligent in doing the drills.

When I am standing I try to get into the springiness position and shift my weight around. When I am standing at my desk I have been balancing in the Running Pose position.

My goals were to become aware of the proper position of my weight distribution on my feet as well as keeping my knees bent – I have a tendency to extend my legs when I walk and I think this is why my knee sometimes hurts.

I have been swimming 3-4 times per week and loving it. Something about waking up at 4:50 and jumping into the pool just after 5 gives the day a great start. Before this week I was simply swimming without a real plan while trying to employ the Total Immersion swim strategy and tactics. Total Immersion is all about efficiency and saving energy so it fits perfectly into how I am approaching endurance training.

This week I began a simple 12 week program that I found online.

Here’s the link:

The goal is to swim 750m in 12 weeks as preparation for a Sprint Triathlon – I probably should have looked into this prior to my Triathlon.

This week I swam 10 x 50m with 20-30s rest between rounds. It was perfect and exactly what I needed.

I feel like I now have strategic and tactical plans for running and swimming. My training feels focused!