
To be honest I was disappointed with myself this morning – I slept in instead of getting up and going for a run.

I couldn’t get going, couldn’t get out of bed, and just felt sluggish all morning.

My wife then sent me the following quote: “Your training plan is not carved in stone. Every runner should always remain a little flexible to allow their bodies to rest an extra day if it needs it.”

I was beating myself up thinking that I was lazy and weak for not getting up – perhaps there is some truth to that. But perhaps my body was telling me to chill out and get back at it tomorrow.

I am also very grateful for such encouragement. A support system is very important, encouragement goes a long way in keeping your process on track and the final goal in mind.

The takeaway from today is that if I miss a workout it does not mean that I won’t accomplish my goal – it means I need to regroup and continue on the path.

Tomorrow morning I will swim. The goal for my swim is to swim downhill, pushing my torso down into the water so my legs feel buoyant. By doing this I hope to use very little energy and be able to swim for a half hour straight.