Springbank Half

Up at 5:30. Drive 1.5 hrs in the dark and rain. Run 21.5k in 8 degree weather. #psychopaths

In all seriousness it was a wonderful run with my wife. We barely get to run together. Our tribe watched our kids so we could do this. A great support system is so greatly appreciated.

Our plan was to run together which we did. We both ran a personal best of 2 hrs and 6 mins. For me I took 20+ minutes off my last timed race. My wife took 5 minutes off her best time.

It may not be a fast time but it’s our fastest time. We both put in consistent work and had a race better than anything we have done – and we did it together.

I hate the first 5-7k. Amanda pushed me to be better during his phase. I get a second into a grove around 10k and today she needed some encouragement at this time. At the end Amanda said “Let’s break 2:10”, so we did.

The weather made us unsure of what to wear. 40% chance of rain and sub-ten degrees. I wore shorts, compression socks, a long sleeve running shirt and a running coat with a run in hat. Amanda wore running capris with a lon sleeve lulu lemon shirt and a running coat with a running hat. I was great but my hands were cold.

My energy level was great. My knee was great. I really focused on keeping my hips, knees, and ankles aligned. I felt that I could maintain my hip stability much longer now than any previous run – it still isn’t 100% but I am improving.

I ate my apples at 7k and 14k and shared Stingers with Amanda from 17-20k. Amanda crushed raisins and the Stingers. We both drank sparingly probably because it was cool and we both made an effort to hydrate the days leading up to the race.

Back to our energy, we carb loaded the 2 days before the race focusing on rice, fish, steamed veggies, and gluten free breads.

It was a great run for all the reasons above. It is also great in comparison to my previous times half in June of 2017. As I have mentioned many times, I hated it and my knee hurt badly. I learned, am still learning, and have gotten better. I have a technique that is working. My nutrition is working. My training plan is working. I am being consistent. Consistency is key.

Run. Consistently.