
I was looking at Pose method pics last night on Instagram (@runrx is an amazing resource) when I realized that proper Pose involves always having your shins at an angle moving forward so that the Achilles can act like a spring. By moving forward I mean the ankles never move in front of the knee. The picture above does a great job illustrating this. If shins are pointing backward it is like driving with the emergency break on.

I kept this in mind and ran an average of 4.47 k per minute with my first kilometer at 5.30k/m. No warm up, just get out and go. Feet and Achilles took a bit to warm up. I pushed myself so don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t easy, it just made sense.

My knee felt great during and afterward, I can feel my IT band/hamstring closer to the knee a bit now but it is just enough to draw the focus momentarily.

I am all set up for a 30k run tomorrow. Alarm is set for 4:15am, and my gear is all laid out by the door. Great eating today as it was thanksgiving; I feel like my nutrition and physical health are ready for the 30k challenge. I am also there mentally. I have ran 21.5k 6 times this year and I think it is time for a greater challenge.

I have no goal for time. My goal is run the distance with good form – each stride perfect and each breath mindful.

Early to bed with about 8hrs if sleep if all goes as planned. We shall see, curve balls have been tossed our way recently, and as always we sometimes swing and miss and sometimes hit them, but we always gain experience and learn.

My wife ran today and crushed 15k! Such a great inspiration she is to me that on this thanksgiving I want to especially highlight how thankful I am for her inspiration.

High fives all around.

Happy running.