Lessons from 60k

It’s been 3 days since I ran 60k. My legs are starting to feel normal again – but to be fair they felt pretty good the next day, just tired.

Amanda said I looked pale after my run despite me saying I felt good. Probably because I didn’t eat a whole lot. But man did I eat a ton that night!

During my run I didn’t drink enough during the first 20k, the rest of the run my hydration was good.

I ate an avocado sandwich after 20k, tried to take cheese quesadillas for the next bit but couldn’t get any down. I tried on goo’s, raisins, and bananas for the rest of the distance. I crushed a hard candy because I felt my sugar going to low.

As for hydration I drank mostly coconut water. I need to take in more water at aid stations.

Slowly is the key for both food and hydration – I don’t want anything to sit in my stomach and bounce around.

I ran 45ish kilometres without any big issues, but at 45k my knees specifically started to hurt and I had to walk a fair amount to finish the distance. I think this is caused by fatigue creeping into good form – specifically my hip stability. I recovered well so next time I think will be better.

The big takeaway is that I can cover the distance and walking is ok. Sure I am disappointed that I had to walk but it was uncharted territory and I had no idea how my body would react. What is important is that I set my mind to a distance and hit it! I fought through the pain and overcame my wanting to stop.

I run to be better than I was the previous day. I showed that a I am progressing and I am proud of my effort.