Easy 5k today mid-afternoon in the 25 degree heat with humidity. Ankles took a while to warm up – I noticed them equally (possibly my left a bit more prominatey) for 2+ kilometers. After 2k I found my stride a bit.
Drank lots of water and ran in new shoes. Zero drop, this soled, foot-shaped shoes. The same pair as I had before. My favourite shoe. The new ones are snug and my big toes run a bit. I remember feeling like this with my first pair but they stretched a bit the more I ran in them. Short runs in new shoes and long runs in the broken in pair.
I am focusing more on keeping my weight distributed on my feet and using the muscle between my heel and big toe more. I think I was rolling my right foot out and landing on the outside which was causing some outer knee issues.
My hip will still lean to the right but I am much more conscious of it and work to correct it. I can hold my focus for a while but when my mind goes somewhere else my hip will slip back to old habits. Consistent attention will correct this.
Plan is that run a 5k tomorrow and 30k on Monday.
Train smart. Be consistent.