
Ran my first 30k this morning! So stoked!!

Kilometer 24 to 25 was easily the toughest kilometer that I have ever ran mentally and physically. I reached that point of not wanting to anymore – I told myself no one will say that 25k isn’t good enough…but I told myself 30 not 25, so I turned away from my house and started playing a little game. I told myself to just run to the fire hydrant, or a sign, or a tree – just an upcoming object – when I got there I celebrated to myself – raised my hands and did a little cheer. Sounds kind of cheesy but it took a seemingly big chunk left to run and broke it up into very accomplishable chunks.

25-30 wasn’t easy, my legs seemed heavy and tired but I kept putting one foot in front of the other and tried to maintain good form, although I could feel my form starting to fail from fatigue.

Around kilometer 15 or 16 I get like I was floating and could run forever – I toyed with the idea of running 40 and during this time I knew that I will run 50 miles. That euphoria passed but I still know that with 8 months to go I will be ready for 50 miles.

Today was the first time that I mentally didn’t want to and then did. My right knee became noticeable about 20k probably because of the fatigue I was feeling with a breakdown of form. It isn’t bad now but my legs are certainly stiff and my feet are sore – similar to my half marathon last weekend.

Elastic band wraps on ankles and knee to recover with a wonderful cup of coffee with coconut oil! Coffee is great always, and tastes better after a long run!

On my run I ate 2 apples – 1 at 7k and the 2nd at 18k. I started eating Stinger blocks at the 22k mark. Maybe should have started with the stingers earlier to avoid the 24k low that I hit – will see next time.

Definitely will take a few days off to recover then sneak in a 20min treadmill run Wednesday hopefully, and 20 next weekend.

Amazing how 20k is now an every week thing!

Happy running!