My new goal within the larger goal is to run 30 days in a row. The runs can, and should be shorter on average with a long run sprinkled in here and there.
I am currently on day 6 and mostly on the treadmill. It’s cold outside and trying to balance kids and life stuff, the treadmill is a nice alternative to not running.
When running on the treadmill I crank that baby up to the highest incline – on my machine it is 15 – not sure if that equates to degrees or not. My speed is slower to balance out the incline.
I read recently that by utilizing a high incline that it mimics the fall-forward from the hip action in Pose running. The ankles are certainly in a dorsal flexion upon landing and the foot strike, hips, and shoulders are all in alignment in a straight line stacked on top of each other.
My calves feel tired as well as jacked!
I have been listening to a lot of David Goggins while on the treadmill – great motivation, excellent reminder about the rewards of being disciplined, and encouragement to suffer so that you will grow.
I have been switching between 15 min runs to 25 min runs depending on what’s going on. I have ran outside twice with a buddy recently, and at night – he has a headlight and I have to say it works pretty well. I can see one in my future for sure.
I have been really focused on my hips, if they are in proper alignment, and if my lower abs are engaged. I have found that I don’t feel like my steps are like running in a line but rather that my feet are staying hip-distance apart when landing. My knee feels better this way so far – a long 30k will be the test!
I still have the desire to run 40k before the new year – I previously told myself that I wouldn’t try it again until the new year but this may change depending on circumstances.
I watched a YouTube video about preparing for an Ultra and it suggested to run when tired, i.e. do a long run and run again the next day. So this because your legs will be tired during an ultra and by training when tired you are telling your legs to keep moving forward.
Happy running.