I have increased my weekly distance to 50k per week – mostly on the treadmill.
‘How boring…’ you may be thinking. Perhaps that’s the case – but is boring such a bad thing? Does boredom train the mind to be hard during the long runs outside where you just don’t want to?
To be honest I have been crushing more tunes on my runs – I am into heavy metal covers of pop songs currently. And occasionally I will throw on Planet Earth for something visually stimulating.
Each step is the same but it is a great opportunity to work on running form. To work out any little kinks, and the interval training capabilities of inclines is much more broad than what my outdoor terrain is.
I have been saying more and more, and feeling more and more, that all I want to do is run; and if I am sitting I should be doing something, like running or stretching. I think how I can sneak in another hour of running – the treadmill provides an easy way to run. There is no excuse not to run except laziness – and laziness is the enemy.
Happy running.