Solid Slow 30

Banged out a slow 30k. Teenagers yelled at me, apparently I look like a robot while running. Reflective hydration backpack with the headlamp will do that at 11:30 at night.

I set out hoping to keep my heart rate in the 120’s but found that i had to walk to achieve that low of a heart rate – that will be for tomorrow’s recovery walk. Today I averaged 144 bpm. I also rocked Injinji toe socks for the first time – loved them. Remembered at 15k-ish not to try new pieces of gear on long runs. Got lucky one could say – I thought I had some blisters but turns out my feet are just sore.

Every part on me feels great except for my feet. Specifically my arches, balls of my feet, and ankles. They are getting stronger, I can feel that.

At one point I realized I was pretty far out in the country, at night, in the dark. It was beautiful. The overcast sky gave way to stars, which I could see because I was so far out in the country the light pollution had less of an effect. At two separate times I stopped just to marvel at it all, in silence.

Nervous? At times yes. I realized that running is a series of problems to solve. In order to keep my mind in shape to make good decisions proper hydration and nutrition are important.

Gels and electrolyte drink tablets are new to my arsenal. Today I added chewable sodium tablets – lime!

In the absence of real food at an aid station I crushed 10 sodium tablets, 1 gel package, and half a package of Stinger gummy chews. I also drank 16oz of water with an electrolyte tablet, and 16oz of coconut water. I took my last drink as I hit my driveway.

Energy wasn’t an issue, just my feet.