Most Influential Running Books for New Runners

Running is a lot of things to a lot of people, and it means different things to different people.

As a new runner you are learning what running means to you. This feeling of discovery is amazing, and sometimes life changing.

When I first experienced the thrill of running I didn’t just want to run, I wanted to immerse myself in all things running. I wanted to know who the best in the world are, who were the ones who laid the foundations, and why they run.

I am a book fanatic. I have amassed a collection of books over the years. Running books take up a couple of shelves in my collection.

Here are the running books that most influenced me as a new runner. (Try not to go running while reading these books – I bet you can’t!)

Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.

Eat and Run by Scott Jurek.

Finding Ultra by Rich Roll.

Why We Run by Bernd Heinrich.

Ready to Run by Dr. Kelly Startett.

The Running Revolution by Nicholas Romanov.

Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins.

Natural Born Heroes by Christopher McDougall.